Max Neuhaus statement in another medium : three to one

Max Neuhaus, Three to One, 1992
Colored pencil on paper
35-1/4 x 29-1/8; 35-1/4 x 15-3/4 inches
Collection of the artist
Sound Work References:
Exhibition: Documenta 9
Collection: Documenta
Location: AOK Building, Kassel, Germany
Dimensions: 7 x 16 x 3 meters; 7 x 16 x 3 meters;
7 x 16 x 3 meters
Extant: 1992–Present      
interview by Andrea Grover, 2008. - pdf
Max Neuhaus (1939-2009) is one of the pioneers of sound art. After having become renowned as a solo percussionist for Cage, Boulez or Stockhausen, he records his repertory as commanded by Columbia Masterworks then breaks with the music to devote himself to the sound related to place rather than time.

Made according to places, sound installations by Max Neuhaus uses invisible complex technical devices that allow the sound, to the limit of the audible, to build forms in space and the visitor to create his own experience of the work

Permanent installation in France : Two passages bearing between shadows and daylight identical in form, diverging in spirit (1993) au CAPC de Bordeaux.