Mélanie Berger

Come and listen as a visitor. Enter the rhythms, to slip into the sounds, impressions and occupations. Enjoy the silence to better immerse in the hubbub.

Finally, be armed with pencils, pigments and... : punctuate.

Become a seismograph. Reveal faults, black outlines, erase the claims. Drawing in space, a visual echo


  In the work of Melanie Berger, there is conflict. On one hand, the gesture bright, energetic, impulsive.
On the other, a zeal to represent, to make sense.

A small space between image motion and constructed image . Everything is held in the tension of that insoluble in-between .
The animation movie would be a solution, still images, yet the movement.

But the fight is elsewhere, more essential.

And drawing, on paper or wall, remains the real challenge. Draw lines to the unobtainable where the pen can only even touch the unreachable, the unspoken, the hidden.

But the in-between appears again, the pencil, by its fine tip, no longer has access to the surface which remains white, intact, inviolate.